9 Months Pregnant: Symptoms, Development, and Activities

Muhammad Usman Babar
7 min readMay 2, 2021


9 Months Pregnant

When you’ve been 9 months pregnant, you’ve been anticipating the birth of your baby for what seems like an interminable amount of time. (Remember the wondering if you could grow a bigger belly bump? That was so cute!)

Having read all the pregnancy books, taken the birthing classes, and seen all those tiny baby clothes at your shower- virtual ones included, of course- you probably can’t wait to meet your baby in person.

At 9 months pregnant, here’s what to expect — from when you need to get to the hospital to check if labor has started.

It is completely normal for you to experience “Get-the-baby-out-of-me-itis” at this stage in pregnancy.

The bump your baby reaches full-term is around 7 pounds 6 ounces for a boy and 7 pounds 2 ounces for a girl. So you’re probably feeling a little uncomfortable because it’s a good reason to be uncomfortable.

Your body is preparing for the birth of that large baby, along with what may happen to you this month:

  • bending forward can cause if you aren’t careful
  • As the baby grows higher, the pressure inside the pelvis increases.
  • A lower birth position may be more comfortable for you if the baby drops through or uses the birth canal to deliver your child.
  • sleep disrupted due to the forceful pushing of the once-fluttering legs.
  • Having grown a human for nine months, you have become exhausted.
  • Moreover, the growing child can cause constipation, which can hinder traffic flow
  • Your bladder literally tap-dances on your baby while you are pregnant, due to increased levels of pregnancy hormones
  • The cramped abdominal space can lead to insatiable hunger or manifest in a loss of appetite, but it’s different for everyone.

It is also possible to have:

9 months pregnant, you have a baby bump

You will grow physically and mentally during your last weeks of pregnancy, just as your baby does.

In the third trimester, a human growth hormone-secreting woman who is carrying one or more babies may gain between one and two pounds a week. (This can slow before the last weeks of pregnancy.)

There is no point comparing bumps since each woman, and her baby will look different. How she holds her baby and her level of ab muscle strength will significantly impact her body’s ability to carry it.

A woman with more toned abs tends to carry her babies higher than the taller women.

Feel free to talk to your doctor about your weight gain or the size of your belly if you are uncomfortable. They may decide they need a repeat ultrasound if they find your measurements aren’t what is expected.

Fetal development at 9 months of pregnancy

Your baby has probably gained one to two pounds and one inch in the last month.

Aside from an impressive growth spurt, your baby undergoes some significant developmental changes in this period.

For example, an unborn baby’s lungs are maturing to allow him to breathe outside the womb and his reflexes, for example blinking and turning his head, are maturing.

You have full-term status at 37 weeks, but most doctors recommend not having an elective before 39 weeks unless medically indicated. When you have a baby, they continue to grow every day in the womb.

When you are near the end of your pregnancy, your baby will settle lower within the abdomen. As the baby’s position changes to head down, it should become ready for delivery. (Most babies change side to side by week 36 of pregnancy.)

A C-section will be recommended in cases where your baby refuses to flip despite your efforts. If your baby has not turned, your doctor will discuss possible next steps with you.

During this period, your baby may seem to be moving less due to the smaller environment. Your doctor may advise you to keep track of your baby’s movements by counting kicks. Don’t let your worries about your baby’s activity stop you from contacting your physician.

Several studies have shown that twins who are delivered more than 37 weeks earlier tend to grow much faster, as evidenced by the fact that about half of all twins are born before 35 weeks.

And though your twins will likely have a good chance of being smaller than their parents — most twins weigh less than 6 pounds — they have a near 100 percent chance of surviving between 34 and 36 weeks.

Your medical team is ready to welcome your babies into the world after birth if they require any care after birth.

Discover: Can Sesame Seeds (Til) Cause Miscarriage During Pregnancy?

You can do these activities at 9 months pregnant

As your due date approaches, you may get tired quicker than usual and that’s totally fine. Everyone experiences pregnancy differently.

Depending on what you are well accustomed to, you may be able to remain active right up until the day of their due date, others may need a more laidback approach. Listen to your own body and rest when required.

Your physical activity should not be interrupted unless your physician instructs you to. Stay with your usual routine — except for new exercise regimes, like CrossFit or rock climbing — and modify it if necessary.

A doctor may advise you to stop having sex if you are full-term, although sperm in the vagina may prevent the cervix from ripening, and orgasms may keep your cervix contracting.

However, if your doctor determines you to be at high risk for preterm labor, you should refrain from any sexual activity at that time. Also, if you do happen to break your water, avoid sexual activity for a little while afterward since infection may occur.

Related: Five Common Viral Infections During Pregnancy

Checklist for 9-month pregnant women

Get the work done now so you’ll be ready when the big day comes:

  • Consider taking any prep classes you might need. You can take many classes to get ready to become a mom, like childbirth classes, infant CPR, or a lactation class.
  • Visit your birthing facility in person or via a virtual tour. Call your birthing facility to make the appointment.
  • Put together your birthing bags. A few take-home outfits and items will be fine, but take along:
  • the insurance card
  • Your vaccination card stating that you are immunized against COVID-19 if you have one
  • comfortable clothes for you
  • hospitals may have really nasty floors, so it would be beneficial to wear cheap slippers or slides
  • blanket or pillow that is comforting to you
  • phone chargers
  • You should eat snacks while you are in labor, but remember to take it easy while doing so.
  • birth plan copies
  • Choose a pediatrician. Many pediatricians offer consultations to new parents, so you can make sure the professional is a good fit. In the first year, and for years to come, your baby will visit the pediatrician a lot, so your search is worthwhile.
  • Prepare your birth team. Because there will be limitations on the number of people that can be present with you, you must prepare your doula or partner on what to do when labor begins.
  • Find a photographer. If you intend to have any final pregnancy photos taken, want birth photography, or would like to schedule a newborn photoshoot, now is a great time to do so.
  • Make sure the baby’s outfits are clean. There’s no need to wash everything so if nesting instincts kick in, take advantage of them to get a few neatly organized. Leave tags on the other outfits in case you need to return them.
  • Install the car seat. The car seat you use for your baby must be at least two years old, so make sure it’s installed correctly by a trained technician. In addition, seek tips for figuring out those strange buckles.

Your child’s position, your and her vitals, and of course, your pee will be monitored each time you see your doctor starting at 36 weeks until you have your baby.

  • 1-minute contractions for at least one hour, 5 minutes apart
  • Your water breaks and a gush of fluids poured out
  • there is any vaginal bleeding
  • abdominal pain
  • Fetal movement decreases
  • chronic, dull back pain before 37 weeks

You should also be tested this month for group B strep (GBS). Some pregnant women carry GBS bacteria, so it hurts their unborn baby, so if you have it, you will need antibiotics during labor.

The following symptoms should be reported to your doctor:

The medical community does not recommend free birthing or birthing without assistance.

It’s not too late to find a midwife or OB-GYN, even if you’re 9 months pregnant! You can also switch doctors if your current provider is not a good match. Ask local friends or a doula for recommendations.

Should you go into labor without a doctor, you should go to a general hospital. You should call 911 if you are unable to reach a general hospital.

In other words, you won’t be pregnant forever. Your baby is approaching soon, whether you’re counting down the days or wishing you could freeze time.

Make sure to take advantage of this time to finish up any last-minute prep and pay close attention to any signs of labor. Get your feet massaged while you can!

Originally published at https://kidsrush.com on May 2, 2021.



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