Are Cinnamon And Miscarriage Linked? — Today Posting

Muhammad Usman Babar
5 min readMay 10, 2021


There is a lot of mythology and misconception surrounding miscarriages. A more complex situation exists on the issue of consuming herbal remedies while pregnant. Do you know anyone who had a miscarriage right after drinking strong tea? Have you heard of the one who got cramps after eating hot peppers? I have heard many misconceptions about cinnamon. One of them is that cinnamon can cause miscarriage.

Health Benefits of Cinnamon

Besides its delicious taste, cinnamon has several medicinal properties. It has been used since ancient times. The benefits of cinnamon can be remarkable when taken moderately. Whether its benefits include fighting cancer, fighting bacteria, or lowering blood sugar, there is no doubt that this herb is one of the most powerful on the planet.

However, the risks of taking this herb in large quantities, especially during pregnancy, are just as great. A growing number of women have consciously aborted their pregnancies with cinnamon in recent years.

Specifically, we’ll explore whether cinnamon can cause miscarriage, or if the miscarriage has to be caused intentionally.

Can you take cinnamon during pregnancy?

It is not well-established whether cinnamon is safe to take during pregnancy. I think it is, as long as you take it in small doses.

It will not harm you to sprinkle a bit of cinnamon on your favorite pastry. And a cup of cinnamon tea daily looks safe.

It is possible that you and your child could be harmed if you overdo it.

Pregnant women: How much cinnamon do they need to take?

Cinnamon cannot be proved to be a “treatment” based on scientific evidence.

Some experts recommend taking a half teaspoon or a teaspoon (2–4grams) but others suggest more is safe.

Cinnamon is generally considered safe for pregnant and lactating women, although the amount pregnant and lactating women should take is not known.

How Cinnamon Can Cause Miscarriage If You’re Pregnant

It is safe to consume cinnamon while pregnant or breastfeeding, according to the U.S Food and Drug Administration.

The key to avoiding complications is to refrain from excessive consumption.

In each trimester of pregnancy, cinnamon may pose some risks.

Increased risk of miscarriage from excessive cinnamon consumption

It has not been conclusively proven that cinnamon causes miscarriages, but let’s take a closer look at it.

Cinnamon, especially cassia cinnamon, has emmenagogue and pregnancy effects.

It can increase menstruation flow and cause uterine contractions. Therefore, cinnamon should not be taken excessively.

Even better, you could steer clear of it while pregnant. You should also avoid cinnamon supplements while pregnant.

Cinnamon can trigger many allergies

Cinnamon may be a good choice for pregnant women who did not consume it before.

When pregnant, the immune system may be more vulnerable, so cinnamon might not be the best choice.

Cinnamon may also cause allergic reactions in some people. You might be one of them.

You should avoid the ER if you develop any allergic reactions during pregnancy.

Taking blood thinners increases the risk of bleeding

The presence of cinnamon, even in small amounts, can increase your chances of bleeding during surgery while pregnant.

Additionally, cinnamon may lower platelet counts if you take anticoagulants, which increases bleeding risk.

Your medication may be adversely affected by cinnamon

It’s a good idea to consult your doctor before consuming cinnamon while pregnant if you are currently suffering from any health problems or taking medication for them.

In some cases, cinnamon can adversely affect your drug regimen and cause painful side effects.

There is an observation that cinnamon can affect the proper functioning of diabetes medication, so the drug becomes less effective.

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It’s important to talk to your doctor regardless of the drugs you take.

Cinnamon can have toxic effects on the human body

The presence of liver complications will make cassia cinnamon poisonous if taken in large quantities.

In severe cases, it may result in death from liver failure.

Is it possible to use too much cinnamon and still be pregnant?

Previously, we mentioned the recommended dosages of cinnamon for pregnant women. If they are exceeded, then side effects are bound to occur.

Cinnamon powder taken in large quantities can trigger contractions in the uterus.

Cinnamon is naturally rich in a substance that minimizes the pain associated with abortion. In addition, cinnamon induces labor or results in a miscarriage. It is best to avoid adding cinnamon to food that has been cooked if you wish to induce a miscarriage with cinnamon. Cinnamon supplements are as powerful as oats for inducing a miscarriage, according to some sources.

The fact remains: this does not appear to work for all women. It may or may not work for certain women, too. If you are pregnant, I recommend seeing a doctor prevent organ failure. If you don’t want a baby, I recommend consulting your doctor.

What Foods Can Be Made With Cinnamon

A pinch of cinnamon to your hot cup of tea will spice it up and add a rich flavor. Cinnamon is safe in small doses and you can use it in many dishes.

Baking cinnamon into vegetables and fruit produces a tasty taste. Have you ever baked pineapple with cinnamon?

Many foods use cinnamon, such as pastries and pies, so it is perfectly safe to consume it during pregnancy. It is often used in small doses in foods, so it is perfectly safe to consume it in small amounts.

You are perfectly safe if you don’t do it every day.

Cinnamon Precautions During Pregnancy

We recommend you consume moderate amounts of cinnamon during pregnancy, but precautions must be taken. These include:

  • In cases of high-risk pregnancies, avoid cinnamon entirely
  • Cinnamon should NOT be consumed by women who are pregnant if they have never done so.
  • We do not recommend cinnamon oil for pregnant women because of the uncertainty of the safe dosage and the chance of passing toxins onto the child.
  • It is not safe to take cinnamon pills because the capsules usually contain a dose, so they may cause labor.

The Bottom Line

The safety of taking herbs while pregnant has a great deal of concern for pregnant women.

Cinnamon can cause miscarriage — there appear to be lots of information online about the possibility. Hope the above information has answered the question: does cinnamon cause miscarriage?

Genetic or chromosomal abnormalities causing miscarriages often do not mesh well with life.

It’s unlikely that taking cinnamon while pregnant can lead to a miscarriage unless you’re actively trying.

Originally published at on May 10, 2021.



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