What Is A Threatened Miscarriage? Symptoms, Causes, And Risks

Muhammad Usman Babar
6 min readMay 26, 2021


Known as a threatened miscarriage or threatened abortion, vaginal bleeding in the first 20 weeks of pregnancy is called threatening to bleed. The pregnancy of some women after a threatened abortion may be healthy, whereas the pregnancy of others may result in miscarriage.

Identifying the cause and establishing a management plan could require the attention of your healthcare provider during a threatened miscarriage.

The following post will provide you with information on maternal threats to abortion including causes, symptoms, complications, risk factors, and ways to manage them.

Threatened abortion causes

  • bleeding associated with a miscarriage include:
  • Miscarriage
  • from a molar pregnancy
  • Infections
  • Conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, and thyroid dysfunction Ectopic pregnancy
  • Alcohol use
  • Recreational drugs
  • Fertility factors such as fibroids and polyps The Cervix is incompetent and cannot hold the pregnancy
  • Genetic causes, such as an abnormal embryo
  • Caused by an immune response

Bleeding in the early stages of pregnancy may be caused by uterine problems, cervical problems, vaginal problems, or external complications. Sometimes it is triggered by implantation or irritation that may occur after a sexual encounter.

First trimester (first three months) miscarriages are often caused by chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus. Unlike first-trimester miscarriages, second-trimester miscarriages can be caused by maternal factors, such as diabetes, hypertension, fibroid malformations, etc. [ 1] [ 2]

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Threatened Abortion: Symptoms And Signs

Blood clots, spotting, and pelvic and lower back pain are all possible signs of blood loss.

It is important to contact your doctor if you see light bleeding during pregnancy, even if there is no pain in the abdomen. The duration of vaginal bleeding during threatened miscarriage may vary according to the cause.

Risk Factors Associated With Threatened Miscarriage

Below are some situations that can pose a threat of miscarriage.

  • Infection is present
  • Trauma history
  • Certain medications are used
  • Maternal age is increasing
  • Abortions previously performed

You should consult a doctor if you have a high fever or any other illness while pregnant. Make sure all supplements and medications you take during pregnancy are safe.

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Threatened Abortion Complications

The following complications may occur if abortion is threatened.

  • Anemia may result from moderate and heavy bleeding
  • Infections are more likely to occur
  • Miscarriage is possible [3]

According to the causes, there may be various complications.

Are You At Risk Of A Threatened Miscarriage? When Should You Call A Doctor?

The symptoms of a threatened miscarriage might necessitate seeking medical attention. It may be more effective to diagnose and treat patients early.

When pregnant, you should seek the advice of your doctor and have prescription medication available.

Threatened miscarriage: How Is It Diagnosed?

An abortion threat can be diagnosed by your doctor based on your symptoms and medical history, along with a pelvic exam (to confirm bleeding in the vaginal area). To obtain a comprehensive picture of the fetus and mother, the following tests can be ordered. [ 4]

Blood tests: Anemia and B sugar levels, as well as pregnancy hormone and human choriogonadotropin (hCG), can be determined by these tests. You can also be given RhoGAM medicine if you and your partner have different blood types and a fetus is born with blood contamination.

Urine tests: When it comes to diagnosing urinary tract infections (UTIs) or asymptomatic bacteriuria (bacteria in the urine), urine tests are often helpful.

Ultrasound: The placenta and fetus can be seen with ultrasounds of the pelvis. This test may help determine whether there is a fetus present, where pregnancy is occurring (ectopic pregnancy), and any other abnormality.

Fetal heart monitoring: It is observed that the fetal heart rate is high.

Depending on your medical history and the cause of your threatened miscarriage, your doctor may also order additional tests.

Treatment for a threatened miscarriage

If they have light bleeding or not lasting spotting, many pregnant women can recover without any treatment. The pregnancy can still be continued for some women even if they require some interventions. Among them are:

  • In some cases, doctors prescribe hormones, such as progesterone, to continue the pregnancy. Pregnant women produce this hormone.
  • An anti-fetal antibody called Rho immune globulin is given to mothers with Rh-negative blood types to prevent interaction with fetal blood.
  • In the case of heavy bleeding, you should rest and avoid activity.
  • In severe blood loss and dehydration, the need for extra fluids and electrolytes may necessitate blood transfusions.
  • Use Medications to treat bacterial infections.
  • Diabetes control, hypertension control, and hypothyroidism control in pregnant women
  • Pain medications, if necessary.

If you fear that you are going to miscarry, you should seek medical attention immediately. The cause of your condition can be identified by your doctor and managed accordingly.

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Threatened miscarriage: Does surgery have to be performed?

Surgical procedures are not necessary for all women who are threatened with abortion. Cervical cerclages (cervical stitches) are used when cervical incompetence (weakness of the cervix) is present. A second-trimester abortion is usually performed during this phase.

Note: It is done after a miscarriage to remove any remaining products of conception in the uterus with a dilation and curettage procedure (D & C). Pelvic infection can cause a delay in this procedure, and clotting disorders and other medical conditions can make it contraindicated.

How Do You See The Long-Term Outlook?

An abortion that is at risk may have different prognoses, depending on the health status of the mother and the fetus and the etiology (cause).

A woman who threatens an abortion or experiences vaginal bleeding during the first 12 weeks of her pregnancy is more than 50% more likely to survive the pregnancy. Occasionally, bleeding may continue, which may result in a miscarriage.

There is an increased risk of miscarriage among pregnant women who have threatened miscarriage. You should seek medical attention if you experience vaginal bleeding or discomfort while pregnant.

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Preventing threatened miscarriages

Occasionally, threatened miscarriage cannot be prevented. A healthy prenatal care program can dramatically reduce the risk of preterm birth.

It can be beneficial to manage diabetes and hypertension (high blood pressure) during pregnancy and to treat infections as early as possible. As well as recreational drugs, over-the-counter medications, smoking, and alcohol during pregnancy should be avoided because these can lead to bleeding and other complications.

To reduce the risk of miscarriage and support your baby’s health, you may also take recommended vitamins and minerals, such as iron and folic acid.

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A woman experiencing a threatened or actual miscarriage should seek medical attention. If you have experienced a miscarriage, you should follow the suggestions below. [ 5]

  • Rest to feel better
  • Don’t enter tampons into the vaginal canal
  • Do not use any chemicals or other products on your vagina
  • Wait until you are well before engaging in sexual activity
  • Whenever you experience high fever, cramps, heavy bleeding, or if you have a miscarriage, please visit the emergency room.

If you experience any alarming signs or symptoms while pregnant, seek medical help immediately. It is important to follow up with your doctor and make tests after a threatened abortion so that you can monitor your health and that of your child. The prospects for achieving a healthy pregnancy may vary depending on the causative factors and the prenatal care you receive.

Originally published at https://howorwhat.com on May 26, 2021.

